Even though I write on a blog every week, I don’t read tons of blog posts. I do, however, have several blogs that I follow. Here are four blogs that I enjoy reading:
- Currently Kelli. Currently Kelli is a daily blog project about Kelli Taylor’s life. Kelli is part of the YouTube channel Blimey cow, and I found Currently Kelli after seeing a blimey cow video which mentioned it. She writes about her daily life, and her goals. She has a specific kind of post for (like Twitter Tuesday, or Friday Favorites) I love her blog because it’s personal and creative. She has a predictable format, but she makes each post special. My favorite post from Currently Kelli is a “Wordless Questionnaire;” Here’s a link.
- Gracie the Ginger. This blog is written by my friend, Victoria Grace. I had only been writing on this blog for a few months when she mentioned starting a blog, and I was excited to look it up. Her blog features writing and public speaking tips, and talks about her life. I love reading her posts on writing especially, because they are professional, and help me improve my own writing. Here’s my favorite post on Gracie the Ginger.
- Blackberry Morning. I discovered this blog in a YouTube video (I guess this is a pattern for me). Sara gives information about food and baking, essential oils and healthy living, and talks about some of her life experiences. I like her blog because it gives interesting information in a casual voice. Sara is writing about things she loves, and it makes her writing fun to read. I especially love her posts on health and beauty, so here’s a link.
- Theolatte. This blog is written by Dan DeWitt, former Dean of Boyce College and current professor at Cederville University. He writes about worldview issues, and publishes a “Weekly Worldview Reader” with articles that he finds featuring worldview issues. His writing is clear, and fun to read. Click here to read his review of the movie Inside Out, the first blog post I read of his, and still one of my favorites:
There are four blogs that I love to read. What blogs do you like to read?