This week is my fall break. I’m looking forward to enjoying some out of the ordinary activities, but I don’t want to let break fly by without accomplishing anything or getting proper rest. I often end up frustrated because I’m either not doing enough or I’m doing to much. So this break, I’m planning out what I’m going to do more than I have in the past. I’ve organized the things I want to do into three categories:
- Family time. This one is super important. Even though I live at home, it’s hard to balance time with family with school, teaching, homework, music, and church. For this category, I’m trying to have some one-on-one time with each of my family members this week.
- Odd jobs. This category includes things like larger school projects (I have three papers to write this week), home projects (like giving my room a thorough cleaning), and weird random tasks (like making up some shampoo or whatever I have on the “I don’t know where this goes” list).
- Just a break. It’s called a break, so I might as well take a break. If I don’t plan ahead for resting, rest time becomes a work-myself-into-an-frenzy time. A new thing that I want to do during my recreation time this break is spending some time worshiping through enjoying his creation. One of the ladies in my public speaking class gave an excellent speech on this topic, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.
This break, I want to spend time doing things that I enjoy, without freaking out because I’m not being productive enough for my myself. Whenever you have your next break, I hope this list helps you plan your break better, and enjoy it more.